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How Growing A Healthy Garden Parallels Child Rearing
- To grow a beautiful healthy garden requires an investment of your time and energy
- Have a plan to give you the boundaries you need to work within.
- Never plant a garden to emulate your neighbours
- Determine the best environment for optimal growth of your plants and remember ... all plants bloom at different times
- Just because a plant isn't doing well one season, doesn't mean you have to pull it out
- Although plants need their space to flourish ... they still require ongoing nourishment and attention.
- Even if you prefer a garden that grows wild ... at some point pruning is necessary
- Be patient ... plants need time to achieve their full growth and beauty
- Be open to sharing gardening resources with others ... you will discover while your garden is unique, the problem it might present is not
- The greatest joy comes from sitting back and savouring the beauty of your garden.